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Exclusive works from Peter Eglington, Hugh Townley, Helen Matteson, Rick Skogsberg to name a few
2005 Feather
47” x 34”
Planetary Politics in the early 21st Century
2020 Rosalind Franklin and the Mystery of the Origins of the DNA code
82” x 94”
mixed media on canvas
2022 Ancient Medicine Men and the Modern Medicine Mob
46” x 79”
mixed media on canvas
2022 Reflections on Anandamayi ma – divine flower of India
46” x 79”
mixed media on canvas
2022 When Eastern Rosellas Dream
40” x 64”
mixed media on canvas
The Human Bee Goddess 2022
44” x 35”
mixed media
2022 - Divine Providence, Solomon's Angels, JFK And The Crew Of The PT 109
44” x 35”
mixed media on canvas
Dedicated to Biuku Gasa and Eroni Kumana for their heroic role in rescuing JFK and the crew of the PT 109.
From my childhood I fondly remember my Uncle telling me of the "Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels " .....how without the help of those amazing indigenous Souls of New Guinea they would have been doomed, during their service there in WW2.......the roots of this painting reside in those memories.
March 11, 1961
Dear Biuku:
Reverend E. C. Leadley has recently sent me your very kind message, and I can't tell you how delighted I was to know that you are well and prospering in your home so many thousands of miles away from Washington. Like you, I am eternally grateful for the act of Divine Providence which brought me and my companions together with you and your friends who so valorously effected our rescue during time of war. Needless to say, I am deeply moved by your expressions and I hope that the new responsibilities which are mine may be exercised for the benefit of my own countrymen and the welfare of all of our brothers in Christ.
You will always have a special place in my mind and my heart, and I wish you and your people continued
prosperity and good health.
John F. Kennedy
Kala Mandala 2018
96” x 84”
mixed media on canvas
Namaskar – The central position is occupied by the sacred Aum – emanating from this are aspects to the 12 Rashis. Then the constellations are as they appeared in relation to the Vernal Equinox (VE) at the time of the formulation of the Vedas with Krittika occupying the VE and the 108 Padas followed by the Meshadi version of Nakshatras where Ashwini occupies the VE. Outward from this are the corresponding 27 Nakshatra Deities. The outermost circle contains the Nava Grahas. As both starting points for alignment with the VE are now superseded by the reality of the mystery of time, Uttara Bhadrapada now occupies the VE.
The great mystery of the Divine Science of Light is overlooked by both Lord Vishnu (who looks somewhat suspiciously like a Siberian shaman) as well as Lord Ganesha. In the bottom right is the Dendra Zodiac from Egypt (circa 2500 BC). Bottom left is Lord Hanuman who should serve as a perfect example to all of us as one possible way to serve the Supreme Lord.
This is an astrological mandala – not an Astrolywood UFO. If it were a creation of Astrolywood, there would no doubt be a couple of Zodiac Gods watching over the 26,000 round from the position of the VE, partaking of the delights of Soma. After many centuries of viewing the same Nakshatra, we hear “Man, I am so looking forward to seeing my loving friend Lord Pushan again,” then “Woman, will I ever be ecstatic to see the tail end of that Goddess Niritti.” Uh oh, now those Astrolywood Gods are beginning to chant. “More Bhakti, more Bahkti, more Soma, less Youtube, More Bahkti”.
All Glorious to the Supreme Lord! Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Untitled CCS-103
12” x 8” watercolor on paper
Please contact gallery for more information about this body of work.